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10 May 2013

Symposia about Corrective Feedback and Motivation

Two international symposia on Corrective Feedback and Motivation

Motivation: Friday, 10 May 2013
Corrective feedback: Friday, 24 May 2013

These two symposia are aimed at primary and secondary school teachers, lecturers, university students and researchers. They will be held entirely in English, but they intend to cater for all those interested in L2 or foreign language acquisition, as the issues dealt with should be applicable to any L2.

Motivation in the L2 classroom: from theory to practice
Motivation is a key aspect of second language learning. There is no doubt that abstract models are basic to gain theoretical insights into motivation; however, teachers and researchers demand comprehensible explanations for motivation that can help them to improve their everyday teaching and research agendas. This symposium is aimed at providing both theoretical frameworks and practical implications and experiences to be implemented in the classroom.

Corrective feedback in L2 learning
Corrective feedback (CF) is the oral or written feedback that follows an incorrect (ungrammatical) learner response. Research in second language acquisition (SLA) has established the benefits of interactional CF for L2 language development. This seminar provides updated information on CF and considers how cognitive and social factors affect CF provision. Data from both adult and child learners will be presented as well as implications for teaching and research on the topic.

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